Monday, April 06, 2009

the triumph of social media (or do you want a girlfriend?)

Do you have a girlfriend?

Stop looking and find a sexy girlfriend at Lexamore.NL. Join them now free!

Yesh, based on my usage patterns, that's what facebook thinks i want. A (cute) Norwegian girlfriend. spot on!

ps: translation via google, but i guess i should start learning a bit of dutch if i wanna take up this incredible offer :P


Freya said...

what about boyfriends?

krist0ph3r said...

erm if facebook has been doing their homework it should be fairly obvious by now that i don't want a boyfriend :D

Pallav said...

i'd take the Norwegian one...freya looks neat too :D


Jadis said...

Freya IS a Norse Goddess if I'm not mistaken!


Oh and yes, what about boyfriends?

krist0ph3r said...

hmmm...not sure if this freya is a norse goddess...but i'd prefer a mortal girlfriend unless i didn't have a choice :D

and what IS the big deal about boyfriends? i quote myself:

"erm if facebook has been doing their homework it should be fairly obvious by now that i don't want a boyfriend :D"

clear enough?

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