Wednesday, March 18, 2009

mars is always the uglier planet

women consider looks as an addition to intelligence.
men consider it as a possible substitute.
if they don't need it, they don't want it.

--kris, minutes ago, in a rare moment of wisdom


Winnie the poohi said...

Sexist :P

Jadis said...

sad but true. }:-(

punkpolkadots said...

I agree with Winnie! The Pooh!

krist0ph3r said...

@winnie/punk: it's not sexist. it's an observation. women take care of their looks because they think of it as an asset. men usually don't care about their looks unless they have nothing else to care for.

tell me, don't you want to look good? not a super-model, but just as good as you can?

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