Sunday, December 22, 2024

Murphy's law

When inserting a microSD card into the dashcam, the spring overpowered my fingernail and launched the microSD card straight into the AC vent, where it bounced right down the vent and into the innards of the AC itself. and no, setting the fan to MAX didn't blow it back out 🤦‍♂️ 😂

The physics of the situation was so improbable that I was more amused at what happened than sad that I've lost a perfect microSD card of the exact maximum capacity that my dashcam supports (32gb)!


IdeaSmith said...

microSD cards! Oh my god, nostalgia flash! For awhile there I bragged about my tech-skills (!) because I had one that fit into my phone and also into a holder that fit into my digital camer so I could transfer pics without that hassle of software downloads and missing drivers.

krist0ph3r said...

yeah I still insist on only buying phones which have a microSD slot, although my current digital camera is so rarely used it doesn't really matter what memory card it uses 🤦‍♂️

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