Monday, December 15, 2008

had a blast: check

this weekend's trip was very different from my usual ones, mainly because i set off without any planning whatsoever. i just turned up in pune on saturday morning and started calling up people to make programs. and this was despite having fixed the date over a month ago. surprisingly, it actually worked, and i managed to do almost everything i set out to!!!

bike to pune: check
learn the route from bbay to pune: check
meet my relatives (apeksha, anshul and gang): check
meet renata: check
meet deepesh: check
meet gaurang: check
meet mitul: check
meet anurag and leena: check
meet adwait: uncheck
meet shweta: check
meet aditi: uncheck
meet/wine tasting with (the other) aditi: uncheck
meet/wine tasting with michelle: uncheck
go wine tasting: check
bike around and explore pune: check
eat good food: check
booze: uncheck

that gives me a score if 11 out of 16...not bad at all for an unplanned trip!!!


Winnie the poohi said...

ah gr8!

show me some pictures :)

krist0ph3r said...

yesh yesh pics coming up later...will probably put them up on facebook tho :)

Pallav said...

that's a long list of people man, heck I don't even know this many people in my own city. Still, nothing like a long nice drive :)

Keep Rockin!


Deep C said...

sorry for "uncheck" last point ...

next time pakka ;-)

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