Tuesday, December 09, 2008


some people let me do whatever i want to because they don't care.

others do it because they think i know what's best for myself.

my life holds itself together because of people who fall into neither category.

thanks for being there...i may not speak of it often, but i wouldn't be able to live without you :)


Pallav said...

i know man, i make a difference in a lot of lives...but a blog post for me, wow, that's humbling!

thanks bro.


LOL. Jokin ya ;)

krist0ph3r said...

@N: well you don't need to be joking. some of the people i'm talking about don't know themselves :D

Winnie the poohi said...

Touching post :P

You should have named the names too and surprise them with the link :)

krist0ph3r said...

...and spoil the fun??? no way!!! i'd rather have all my friends imagine they're perfect :D

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