Monday, November 24, 2008

i love my job

you know you love your job if you can't decide whether to put a :( or a :) after saying "i'm up to my neck in work" :D

- kris, while up to his neck in work :)


Winnie the poohi said...

but u put " :) "

So contradictory :(

krist0ph3r said...

that means i'm happy to be up to my neck in work!!! i love my job, remember???

Wd said...

You know you love your job when:

you don't have to plan something for Monday evening, just to help you get out of your bed in the morning.

you don't even realize it is pay day.

You just don't sign into messenger while at work.

You don't comment on blogs ;)

hmm... now I know whether I love my job (or not)!

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